Thursday 9 December 2010

saving private ryan

Saving Private Ryan.

The introduction of saving Private Ryan is quite a typical opening and you expect it on war films of this genre. The intro is meant to instil pride in the viewer and patriotism it also tells the viewer the feel of the film with the music. For example the image of the American flag in the wind with the sad and daunting music in the background. The intro is also introducing knowledge in the viewer that one of the veterans survived as it concentrates on an old man. It gives connotations that the old man is important as the camera follows him and has an ECU of his face. Furthermore the intro tells the consumer that there is sadness in the film because in the ECU the man looks although he is crying. The man looks although he has a definite direction in his life and that he is very certain of where he is going. It shows the character to be tough and hard headed therefore introducing the power of the man and how he is a proud and strong character. However it also shows that he has allot of emotion as when he reaches the grave he is headed to he starts crying instantly and fall to the ground. This gives connotations that there has been an extreme tragedy in this man’s past involved with this man. Furthermore it sets up how to introduce the narrative and shows the viewer that it is a story being told. This therefore brings it home to the viewer and really brings it home in making shore the viewer knows all the disgusting and haunting stuff you’re going to see for the next few hours actually happened. Te camera zooms out to cut away and you see the size of the graveyard and instantly know that it is a massive war graveyard memorial. This therefore tells the viewer that this is the reality of it look all these people died. The director really tries to impact that this is meant to be an accurate representation of the war and that this is not a light hearted film. I would like to use that effect in my project, the effect that lets the viewer know the basis and mood of the film straight away and without fault. I believe that it would be of great effect for my film as the introduction is of people dying. This is already a solemn vision and I want to instil that further in my viewer and in a way that tells them that the film isn’t going to get anymore light hearted.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget - your next step is to publish details of your production planning and shooting schedule. You need to find some way of getting this shot and edited by the end of the year, since I need to mark it before we get back in January. If you have any questions about this, let me know.
