Thursday 9 December 2010

intro to apocalypse now analasys

Apocalypse now opening

Apocalypse now (1972) is one of the classic war films and the opening sequence is both striking and amazing. The simplicity of it is perfect for the kind of opening I want for my film. It consists simply of a 30 second shot of a tree line that looks tropical and therefore in a way tells the viewer the location of the film. It is accompanied by the song ‘the end by the doors’ it has a slow beginning and takes a while for the lyrics. Then in relatively slow motion a helicopter flies past and when the lyrics kick in the whole tree line explodes with napalm. This is a minute long establishing shot that is extremely effective and during the whole shot the camera doesn’t move an inch. This is a trade mark move of Francis Copella the director who also used this technique to a greater effect in the godfather. The shot is very subversive of the war film genre as the first minute of a war film is typically either action packed or a back-story to a character, not an establishing shot. The scene then cuts to a man gazing through some blinds but the music continues. However the music changes to being diagetic. It continues but gets quieter and the man says ‘’ Saigon...still in f@*#ing Saigon’’ this gives instant connotations of boredom and that character doesn’t want to be there. However later on in the scene when men arrive with his mission dossier e is extremely reluctant to leave. This along with the rest of the opening sequence gives connotations of insanity. The rest of the scene is the psychedelic music in the background with him going insane with boredom drinking allot and injuring himself. However perhaps the most daunting part of the scene is when the G.I’s come to collect him and he is lying in a pool of his own blood and faeces they simply say. ‘’ we got another sleeper’’ and then drag him in the shower as if this is a regular occurrence. While the sergeant is acting crazy in his room he decides to punch a mirror in his room opening his hand wide but doesn’t seem remotely phased. This gives both connotations of the desensitisation of soldiers in the Vietnamese war and the violence and destruction that is instilled through the film. The scene then cuts to him entering a general’s trailer and being questions on a previous mission. This is where you find out that he is an assassin. The room is dark and filled with smoke giving connotations of an improper event occurring. However the shot then moves to the general eating a full course meal and the saying that it isn’t good enough when he says’’ if you can brave eating the shrimp you are more of a man than me’’ this shows ignorance within the higher ranks and how they are being treat well and getting full 3 course meals while the soldiers are going insane in their small cramped little rooms.

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